Out Now—Boys, Book Clubs, and Other Bad Ideas!

We’re so excited to announce that Boys, Book Clubs, and Other Bad Ideas is now out and available for purchase!

This is the first volume in our Monday Night Anthology series, and our first publication as a company. We’re thrilled to finally get our book into the hands (and tablets) of our readers, and can’t wait to hear what people have to say about it.

These seven stories of love and impending doom explore everything from high school dramas and nervous first kisses, to slaying demons and defying the laws of the afterlife (sometimes in the same story).
Both Amazon and Goodreads have options to review the book, and we’d love to have you leave us a review on either site (or both!)

Order your e-book or paperback copy on Amazon today!

If you prefer other e-book platforms, we’ve got those here!

Also check out the book on Goodreads!

Katrina Hamilton

Katrina Hamilton loves finding the interesting within the mundane, and turning the ordinary parts of life into engaging and emotional journeys. With experience in playwriting, poetry, short stories, and novels, Katrina chases her ideas to whatever form and genre fit them best.


Out Now—The Mistletoe Paradox


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