Check Out Our Kickstarter!

Why are you standing on top of that soapbox?

Come one, come all—the time has come for the greatest Kickstarter of the year; nay, the century! 84th Street Press is incredibly excited to announce our very first Kickstarter! (enthusiastic applause).

What’s this all about?

I’m glad you asked! From August 11th through the 28th we are Kickstarting our first book, Boys, Book Clubs, and Other Bad Ideas: A Monday Night Anthology. 

Kickstarter is a platform for crowdfunding ideas, and it’s a great way for people to show they truly believe in a project or cause by supporting it early and having maximum impact on its creation. 

We’ve set a goal of $5000 to help us with the cost of starting this business and creating our first book. People can pledge at whatever level they’d like (there are many fun ones to choose from), and if we don’t make our goal in time, nobody gets charged. BUT IF WE DO (we are optimistic, because we know we’ve created something special), the funds will go directly into paying our collaborators, getting this book and future ones out, and giving backers their rewards!

Okay that’s kinda cool, but why should I care?

Have I mentioned the rewards? Because, really, they’re awesome. 

In this Kickstarter we’ll be creating an exclusive hardback copy of Boys, Book Clubs, and Other Bad Ideas with an entire extra story written collaboratively by all authors! This will be the only time this edition will ever be on sale, so if you want one, you’ll have to snag one before they’re all gone!

We have many other rewards as well. Want to help us grow a writing community? Give us prompts for a future anthology? Meet us, or have your story critiqued by our authors? Or perhaps you wish to aim higher; to become our one and only Muse, the inspiration for our stories, the dedication in the very heart of our first book? We’ve got a reward level for everyone!

I’ll admit it sounds pretty awesome, but I’m not sold yet.

Ah, you’re a discerning consumer; I can appreciate that. In that case, let me tell you more about what your support could help us achieve:

  • The continuation of an indie company that gives authors freedom and input in all aspects of the creation process, and makes it easier to publish stories exactly how authors want.

  • The ability for us to pay all our contributors, authors, and everyone involved in our projects the fair wages they deserve.

  • The formation of a broad-reaching writing community that encourages collaboration with weekly writing prompts.

  • The creation of a new series of articles by writers, for writers, to help us share everything we learn with others.

  • The continued publication of more books in our Monday Night Anthology series (we have many more planned!)

  • The potential to experiment with new publishing styles such as audiobooks, and reach new audiences.

Our dreams for the future are big and varied, but they rest in the hands of early supporters like you. We hope you will check out our Kickstarter and become a backer at whatever level is right for you. And if you’re as excited as we are, get on your own soapbox and share our project with others!

Help share our Kickstarter with the world! We even made you this handy link to use!


Maria Berejan

Maria Berejan is a co-founder of 84th Street Press and one of the Seattle Region NaNoWriMo MLs. She mostly writes fantasy and mystery with a good serving of death. She is often found lost in daydreams, enthralled in a new hobby, or puttering about her variety of plants with cats in tow. Follow her Twitter @mariaberejan.

Out Now—Boys, Book Clubs, and Other Bad Ideas!


What Is Monday Night Anthology?