Out Now—The Mistletoe Paradox

We’re so excited to announce that The Mistletoe Paradox is now out and available for purchase!

We were determined to get this book out with plenty of time for readers to enjoy it during the holidays, so here it is in all its festive and spooky glory.

a flatlay of the book "the mistletoe paradox"

These nine stories of holiday cheer gone awry explore everything from mandatory office parties, accidental time travel, unwanted visitors, and surprisingly—more than one story about unfortunate kissing.

Both Amazon and Goodreads have options to review the book, and we’d love to have you leave us a review on either site (or both!)

Our universal link is here, so order your copy today on your platform of choice!

Also check out the book on Goodreads!

Kristina Horner

Kristina Horner is an internet personality, Community Manager at Mojang Studios, and one of the co-founders of 84th Street Press. When she’s not playing with her baby Maximus or dreaming of writing retreats, you can probably find her winning yet another round of NaNoWriMo, where she writes mostly young adult or middle grade fiction. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @KristinaHorner or at kristinahorner.com 


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