Who is 84th Street Press?

Welcome! You’ve reached the website of 84th Street Press, a small independent publishing company formed in Seattle, Washington. 

It all started back in 2015, when former YouTuber Kristina Horner hosted a workshop for writers participating in National Novel Writing Month. Several of the writers stuck around past November, and the group has been meeting every Monday night since then. Over time, our group has fostered a tight-knit community of writers who’ve grown to share more than just an old table at our favorite coffee shop (and a zoom account in more recent times). We began collaborating in other ways, including critiquing each other’s works and challenging everyone to write short stories to a similar prompt. The result is Monday Night Anthologies, a series of cross-genre story collections that brilliantly highlight the different writing styles of each individual author by having them all explore the same prompt.

Naturally, we wanted to get our creation out in the world! But after researching the available publishing options, we realized that what we really wanted and needed didn’t exist yet. Thus, we created 84th Street Press.

Our vision is to provide a “supported self publishing” model, which allows authors to maintain the control and involvement that comes with normal self-publishing, while also breaking up the work and cost of publishing amongst a group of willing authors. It also means we can create professional-level products without having to give up our day jobs or other passions. 

Our hope for this company is to become fully self-sustaining, so that after our initial Kickstarter we never have to ask for funding again. We want to keep publishing great stories and paying authors fair royalties for their work for years to come.

This is an exciting endeavor for the entire group, and we’re thrilled to share our work with you. For many of us, despite an impressive number of NaNoWriMo wins under our belt, this will be the first time we’re publishing our work at all.

Please keep an eye on our website, sign up for the mailing list, and consider following us on any of our social media channels to keep up with what we’re doing. We think you’re really going to like our books. :)

Yours Truly,


Kristina Horner

Kristina Horner is an internet personality, Community Manager at Mojang Studios, and one of the co-founders of 84th Street Press. When she’s not playing with her baby Maximus or dreaming of writing retreats, you can probably find her winning yet another round of NaNoWriMo, where she writes mostly young adult or middle grade fiction. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @KristinaHorner or at kristinahorner.com 


What Is Monday Night Anthology?